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Monday, October 21, 2013
Rotondella. The USA want to know more about the discovery of the engineer from Lucania
Now the Planetarium speaks English
Presentation of the translation of the work by Giovanni Pastore
The presentation of the translation by Pastore in Rotondella Caroline Miranda Feetam and Giovanni Pastore |
The recovered Archimedes Planetarium |
ROTONDELLA - "The Recovered Archimedes Planetarium"
by Giovanni Pastore English Version.
The study carried out by Engineer Giovanni Pastore from Rotondella, Basilicata,
Italy is now available in English. It was published in 2010 and has been
presented in various Italian localities as well as abroad. Its content has
gained intriguing approval and offers a new interpretation of the varied
scientific and technological achievements from the last one hundred years,
indeed it has shaken principles had been considered definitive. The title is "The
Recovered Archimedes Planetarium" and the translation was conceived and
developed to the tiniest detail (so important for scientific works) by the
author, followed by a revision by Caroline Miranda Feetam, in order to maintain
the true journey of research and study as well as the relative deductions.
In Rotondella (*) Pastore donated a copy of the new publication in English to the
library "Prof. Mario Di Matteo", accompanied by Feetam, and outlined the reasons
that pushed him to begin this specialised job, which took him the best of 2
years to complete.
It became necessary to produce this edition, explained Pastore, in order to
satisfy the requests that I had received over the years from various
international academics; from single scholars to various enthusiasts and cult
followers of the themes developed in the book. In fact, it was to such an extent
that this version has already reached the USA, Japan, China and other European
A scientific study that cost the author time and hard work with research that
spans archaeology, history, literature, technology and science, it is extremely
complex especially given the conclusions that Pastore has come to. The study is
divided into three parts that deal with the Archimedes Planetarium (a gear wheel
found in Olbia and restored by the Superintendency of the Archeological Heritage,
who date it back to the period between the end of the 3rd century and the
mid-2nd century BC), the Greek gear of Antikythera (one of the Aegean Islands)
and the Pitcher of Ripacandida.
“As regards the gear of Olbia, the restoration phase, adds Pastore, revealed
some surprises that I believe to be extremely important; starting from the
unusual composition of the metal alloy used - brass. The gear teeth also have a
special curvature that makes them extraordinarily similar to the mathematically
perfect gear wheels of modern times and since it was made before all other
mechanisms known to us, we can consider it extremely evolved”.
For Pastore, the concurrence between the “scientific evidence” and the
“historical, literary and archaeological references” has led us to conclude that
the fragment from Olbia was an integral part of the Planetarium of Archimedes.
As far as the Planetarium of Antikythera is concerned, on which Pastore based
his study of the kinematic model also present in the wheel of Olbia and
precursor to the Heliocentrism of Copernicus, it can only be concluded that the
Hellenic scientists already knew about the planetary motions of celestial bodies.
Battista D'Alessandro
(English translation by Caroline Miranda Feetam)
Town of Rotondella (Basilicata, Italy)
Avv. Vincenzo FRANCOMANO, Mayor
Dott. Maria CUCCARESE, Councilor for cultural and educational policies
For more information please contact:
75025 POLICORO (Matera)
Prof.ssa Caroline Miranda Feetam
Presentation of the books (Part Two): Rotondella (Basilicata, Italy) August 2, 2013 - YouTube
Book by Giovanni Pastore
Science, technology,
history, literature and archaeology, certainty and conjecture on the most
ancient and extraordinary astronomical calculating device. With two other
scientific studies: on the Antikythera Planetarium and the Pitcher of
With the appendix:
Pythagoras in the contemporary world. Influences of Pythagorean scientific
philosophy in the modern and contemporary world.
Summary in:
Italiano -
Ελληνικά -
日本語 -
Español -
Français -
Português -
Tiếng Việt
(The book is written in English, ISBN
Libro di Giovanni Pastore
Scienza, tecnologia, storia, letteratura e archeologia, certezze e
congetture sul più antico e straordinario calcolatore astronomico
Con altri due studi scientifici:
sul Planetario di Antikythera e sulla Brocchetta di Ripacandida
Summary in:
Italiano -
English -
Ελληνικά -
日本語 -
Español -
Français -
Português -
Tiếng Việt
(Il libro è scritto in
Italiano, ISBN 9788890471520)
Giovanni Pastore
(Rotondella - Basilicata, Italy), received his degree with full marks in
Mechanical Engineering at
Polytechnic University. Even before
graduating he was offered a contract at
Fiat Mirafiori in Turin, where
for the many years
he worked at the
automotive design office, dealing
with structural calculations. |
(to the english version) (à la version française) (Zur Deutsche Version)
(a la version española) (Versão em Português - Brasileiro) (In versiunea romaneasca)
(日本語版へ - to the japanese version)
(中文版 - to the chinese version)
Copyright © 2001-2024 by Giovanni Pastore